Classified as a German sausage, the ‘Krakauer’ takes its origins from Krakow city, Poland, known as Kielbasa Krakowska in Poland. The crispy, tasteful Pork Garlic Krakauer can be eaten as a cold cut or fried and used in a variety of dishes. The Krakauer Sausage is distinctive of its wonderful garlic flavour. Ingeniously whip up any speciality dish to wow your family and friends with garlic as the ‘hero’! Cooking Instructions – “If frozen, thaw at room temperature. Remove all packaging. Once defrosted… Do Not prick the sausages. Pan Fry – It can be pan-fried on medium heat with a little olive/sunflower/canola oil for 4-5 minutes on each side until evenly golden brown in colour with tender meat inside and crispy skin outside. Grill – Preheat griller/oven to medium, lightly oil the sausages. Cook for about 4-5 minutes turning them until golden brown in colour..juicy inside yet crispy on the outside. P.S. Cooking appliances may differ in performance/cooking times.”
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