“Jimmy’s Bloody Mary” is a classic cocktail known for its bold and flavorful profile. Crafted with precision, this cocktail combines vodka with tomato juice, along with a mix of seasonings, spices, and garnishes. The result is a balanced blend of tangy, savory, and spicy notes that awaken the taste buds. With its deep red color and often elaborate garnishes like celery sticks, olives, or even bacon, Jimmy’s Bloody Mary is not just a drink; it’s a culinary experience that’s perfect for brunches, gatherings, or any occasion where you want to enjoy a zesty and refreshing libation. Water, Sugar, Cranberry juice Concerted (1.5%), Lemon Juice Concerted (1%), Orange Juice Concerted (1%) , Acidity Regulator (INS330, INS331, INS334, INS296), Antioxidant (Ascorbic acid), Stabilizer (INS440, INS414, INS445), Permitted Class II Preservative (INS211), Equivalent To (17.5%) of total fruit juice content.
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